A theater mask made of 2000-year-old soil was found in Aizanoi, also known as ‘Second Ephesus’

Aizanoi Ancient City_theater mask

In the Çavdarhisar district of Kütahya, in the ancient city of Aizanoi, also known as A theater mask made of 2000-year-old soil was found in Aizanoi, also known as ‘Second Ephesus,’ which dates back to the 3rd century BC, a theater mask made of 2000-year-old soil was found.

The Temple of Zeus in the ancient city of Aizanoi.
The Temple of Zeus in the ancient city of Aizanoi. Photo: Photography Culture Portal

Aizanoi, dedicated to Zeus, one of the most important gods of Greek mythology, is notable for its temple and its theater, which has the capacity to accommodate large crowds. It was the main settlement of the Aizanitis, who lived in ancient Phrygia.

In the excavations, a theater mask made of fired clay was discovered alongside an ancient gate that provided entry to the city.

Aizanoi Ancient City

Excavation director Prof. Dr. Gökhan Coşkun stated that the work on the southern wing of the western portico of the Agora has been completed. Coşkun mentioned that, in addition to the well-preserved marble-paved courtyard and column remains of the Agora, marble steps leading from the courtyard to the portico and the partially preserved marble flooring of the portico have also been uncovered.

Aizanoi Ancient City
Photo: AA

Prof. Dr. Coşkun stated that they were working on a structure dating from Late Antiquity in the south of the agora.

Stating that during the excavations they carried out to understand the function of this structure, they understood that it was the gate that provided access to the city center, Coşkun said, “During our work, we also encountered the remains of another structure that we never expected. Some parts of the first floor of this structure, which we can say is two-storeyed, have survived. We think that this public building, which we can date to the last quarter of the 2nd century, may also be a monumental gate.”

Aizanoi Ancient City
Photo: AA

Various coins were found in the filled soil inside one of the podiums.

It is thought that a terracotta theater mask will provide new data and contributions to the Dionysian cult of Aizanoi.

In previous years, a similar style mask was found in a grave near the theater, which was left in the grave as a death gift.

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