Beach projects for the ancient Lycian city of Phaselis canceled

Ancient Lycian city of Phaselis

The court decided to cancel the public beach projects in Bostanlık and Alacasu bays of the ancient Lycian city of Phaselis in southern Antalya, which were tendered in February last year.

A private company, which won the tender held by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, has started construction of two public beach projects in Alacasu and Bostanlık bays, which are “Grade 1 archaeological sites” within the borders of the ancient Lycian city of Phaselis in Kemer district.

The court had issued a stay of execution in April on the grounds that the execution of the tender works would cause “irreparable or impossible damages”.

Photo: Cumhuriyet

The company argued that the court decision had nothing to do with the tender and continued construction work.

Some environmental organizations and citizens, especially the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), who think that the construction works will harm the ancient city and nature, have again applied to the judiciary for the cancellation of the public beach projects, which include the construction of cafes, toilets and other infrastructure.

The court ruled that the two decisions of the Regional Conservation Board regarding the Phaselis project were “contrary to the law”.

“The expert examination revealed that this construction is in violation of the Coastal Law, the National Parks Law and the Law No. 2863 on the Protection of Cultural Assets,” said lawyer Tuncay Koç, who is following the court process.

Koç told Cumhuriyet, “In an area that is a first degree archaeological site and a national park, a project was prepared with the logic of an ordinary beach management by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. It was clear that this project was harmful to the archaeological remains and endemic plants in the area. Opening the two most pristine bays of Antalya to intensive tourism in this way has the potential to destroy the archaeological and natural features of those regions.”

In the statement made by the Antalya Branch of the TMMOB Chamber of Architects, it was stated that “With these decisions of the honorable court, our city Antalya and our people have won again.”

Phaselis Ancient City

The ancient city of Phaselis is located in the Olympos Beydağları National Park in the Kemer district of Antalya.

It is a small peninsula extending into the Mediterranean Sea and has three natural harbors. It is surrounded by pine and cedar forests.

Phaselis was founded by Rhodian colonists in the 7th century BC.

It is located between the regions of Lycia and Pamphylia and carries the cultural influences of both regions.

Over time, it came under the rule of different powers such as Persia, Macedonia, Ptolemy and the Roman Empire.

It became an important trade center during the Roman period. It was abandoned as a result of Arab raids.

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