New structures are being uncovered in the ancient city of Metropolis

Metropolis Ancient City

New structures are being uncovered in the ongoing excavations in the ancient city of Metropolis in the Bagali district of Izmir.

Metropolis, meaning “City of the Mother Goddess“, takes its name from a cult site of the Mother Goddess (better known as Cybele) called Μετηρ Δαλλησια (Meter Gallesia).

Excavations in the ancient city have been carried out by Dokuz Eylül University (DEÜ) for 27 years.

The excavations in the ancient city of Metropolis, which was founded in the 7th century BC, are carried out by a team led by Prof. Serdar Aybek, Head of the Department of Archaeology at DEU Faculty of Letters.

Metropolis Ancient City
Photo: DHA

The 2023 excavation season uncovered mosaic panels decorating a private residential building dating to the 2nd century BC, part of the orchestra of the theater dating to the 1st century AD, water channels dating to the 2nd century AD, and parts of a bathhouse dating to the 3rd century AD.

ancient city of Metropolis
Photo: DHA

Prof. Dr. Aybek stated in his statement that they always encounter surprises in Metropolis and said, “Since it is a city built on a hillside, ruins are usually revealed under deep alluvial fills. Although there is not much that can be seen on the soil in the area we have just worked, very important finds have emerged as a result of archaeological excavations. There were columns preserved in situ and brick shops still standing. We are excitedly waiting for the work in the coming years.”

DEU Rector Prof. Dr. Nükhet Hotar stated that the ancient city of Metropolis is one of Turkey’s most important historical heritages and said, “The findings of the excavations show that Metropolis was an important city of Ionia and had a rich culture. These findings will contribute to a better understanding of the history of the city.”

Cover Photo: Wikipedia

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