September 7, 2024 The sun rises from Anatolia

1800-year-old Roman border stone found during infrastructure works

During infrastructure renovation works in Adıyaman, a digger operator found a boundary stone marking a special area belonging to the Roman period.

The boundary stone was determined to be 1800 years old.

The Roman Empire used boundary stones to effectively manage its territory and define its borders. Boundary stones can be considered a highly developed geographical information system within the limits of the technology of the time.

Roman border stone.Adıyaman

Roman border stones are usually obelisks made of durable materials (such as marble, granite) with various inscriptions and symbols on them.

Usually erected to document the power of the empire and to prevent border disputes with neighboring states, the stones are inscribed with the time the stone was erected, the name of the emperor, the region where the border passes, and sometimes the two administrative units separated by the border.

Roman border stone.Adıyaman

The border stone in Adıyaman, on the other hand, marks a special land. The border stone was found 1.5 meters below the ground.

In the first examination of the experts of Adıyaman Museum Directorate, it was determined that the piece of stone is a border stone that defines a special area.

The teams determined that the boundary stone dates back to the 2nd century A.D. Roman period and took the stone to the museum.

Cover Photo: Fevzi Kemal Karagöz

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