Monday, March 3 2025

Day: April 24, 2024

A 400-year-old idol of Goddess Lakshmi was discovered in the foundation excavation of a construction site

A 400-year-old idol of Goddess Lakshmi discovered in the foundation excavation of a construction site

A 400-year-old idol of the goddess Lakshmi was found during the excavation of a foundation for a house construction project in Baghanki village near Manesar, India. A standing idol of Lord Vishnu and a joint idol of Goddess Laxmi and Lord Vishnu were also recovered. The three metal idols, estimated to be around 400 years

Scientists discover 99 million bedbugs hidden in amber

Scientists discover 99 million-year-old bedbug hidden in amber

Scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) found bedbug in amber from Myanmar. It was determined that the bedbug is 99 million years old. Bedbugs are small insects that feed on human blood and usually live in areas such as beds, furniture and carpets. their size varies between 1 and 7 millimeters. They have

Surveys begin at 1001 churches frequented by Christian pilgrims traveling from Europe to Jerusalem

Surveys begin at 1001 churches frequented by Christian pilgrims traveling from Europe to Jerusalem

Surveys before archaeological excavations have begun in the area known as 1001 churches, visited by Christian pilgrims traveling from Europe to Jerusalem. 1001 churches are located around the extinct volcanic Karadağ, 45 kilometers from Karaman city center. There are many religious buildings such as churches, chapels and monasteries still standing in the region. Değle Ruins,