Monday, March 3 2025

Day: August 7, 2024

Amida Höyük

9,000-year-old Amida mound burned 3 times in history

It was confirmed by the analysis that the Amida mound, which has been a continuous settlement center for about 9,000 years, was burned 3 times in history. Amida mound is located northwest of the Sahaba Tombs at the Palace Gate (İçkale) in the central Sur district of Diyarbakır. Excavations at Amida mound, which has been

Nysa ancient city_Aydın

Forty-seven tombs dating back nearly a thousand years were found in the ancient city of Nysa

During excavations in the ancient city of Nysa, archaeologists uncovered 47 tombs dating back nearly 1000 years. The ancient city of Nysa is an important ancient city dating back to the 3rd century BC, located in the Sultanhisar district of Aydın province in western Türkiye. Nysa, one of the most important cities of the Caria