Tuesday, March 18 2025

Day: March 17, 2025

Is This Noah's Ark? Exciting Discovery in Türkiye Sparks Debate

Is This Noah’s Ark? Exciting Discovery in Türkiye Sparks Debate

A boat-shaped mound in the Durupinar Formation near Mount Ararat in Türkiye has ignited interest among experts who believe it may be the fossilized remains of Noah’s Ark. This formation, studied by an international research team since 2021, is thought to have been submerged during a catastrophic flood approximately 5,000 years ago. Durupinar Formation: Clues

Pre-Islamic Ancient Well Discovered on Kuwait's Failaka Island

Historical Discovery on Failaka Island: 1400-Year-Old Water Well and Precious Stones Unearthed

Failaka Island has once again proven its significance on the stage of history with recent archaeological excavations. The discovery announced by the Kuwait National Council for Culture, Arts, and Letters (NCCAL) includes a large water well found in the courtyard of a magnificent house dating back to the 7th and 8th centuries AD in the

Roman-Era Agricultural Calendar

A Discovery That Sheds Light on History in the Central Anatolian City of Develi: The World’s Only Roman-Era Agricultural Calendar

In the Gereme region of Develi district in Kayseri, an agricultural calendar discovered by chance in 2013 and determined to be from the Roman Era holds a unique place in world archaeological literature. This discovery provides significant evidence that Gereme was a center for agriculture and agricultural education during that period. The stones, preserved by