Pessinus: The Mysterious Home of Cybele in the Heart of Anatolia
Located in Ballıhisar village, 13 kilometers south of Sivrihisar on the Ankara-Eskişehir highway, Pessinus Ancient City hosts thousands of years of history hidden in the depths of Anatolia. This ancient city carries the traces of the past to the present with excavations started by Belgium Ghent University in 1967 and continued by Australia Melbourne University.

Çanakkale Wars Mobile Museum in Tirana
The Çanakkale Wars Mobile Museum, which features artifacts from the Çanakkale Wars that determined the fate of World War I and offers digital displays, has opened its doors to visitors in Tirana, the capital of Albania. The Çanakkale Wars were a conflict between the Entente Powers and the Ottoman Empire, fought both on land and

Remarkably Preserved Roman Dog Skeleton Found in Belgium
Archaeologists have discovered a well-preserved Roman dog skeleton beneath a stone foundation in Velzeke, near Zottegem (East Flanders). Over 700 traces dating from the 1st to 3rd centuries AD were found in the 1,000 square meter area. The dog unearthed during the excavation is reported to be unique and is being examined by the Museum