July 2, 2024 The sun rises from Anatolia

The mosaic depicting paradise in one piece in the ancient city of Perre attracts great attention of visitors

The 1500-year-old mosaic bearing the traces of the Roman period in the ancient city of Perre is one of the largest mosaics in one piece.

The 155-square-meter mosaic depicting paradise, which is exhibited in one piece in the ancient city of Perre, one of the 5 major cities of the Komagene Kingdom, attracts the attention of visitors.

In the center of the mosaic, there is a heavenly composition, wild goats grazing on vine leaves and various bird figures.

The only piece of mosaic depicting paradise in the ancient city of Perre
Photo: AA

The mosaic was unearthed during excavations in 2009.

Mustafa Çelik, Deputy Director of Adıyaman Museum, who stated that the mosaic started to be exhibited since 2018 after the environmental arrangements, told AA correspondent, “The upper part is closed with steel construction for protection. Then the restoration processes were completed and it was opened to visitors.”

The only piece of mosaic depicting paradise in the ancient city of Perre

Çelik said, “In the middle scene of the mosaic area, there is a scene that we depict as a paradise scene. Here, wild goats are grazing among the vine leaves and there are various bird figures. On the outer border, there is an outer border made of hearts and similar geometric shapes.”

Cleaning and excavation works continue in the ancient city of Perre, which has attracted the attention of local and foreign tourists in recent years.

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