June 30, 2024 The sun rises from Anatolia

The excavations in the ancient city of Prusias ad Hypium, known as the Ephesus of the Western Black Sea, are coming to an end

The excavations planned to be completed at the end of the year in the ancient city of Prusias Ad Hypium, known as the Ephesus of the Western Black Sea, are nearing the end. After the excavations, restoration works will begin in the ancient city.

Prusias Ad Hypium Ancient City is located in the Konuralp region of Düzce. The city was named after the Bithynian King Prusias I.

Prusias Ad Hypium, which dates back to the 3rd century BC, has been carrying out archaeological works under the leadership of Konuralp Museum Directorate with the permission of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage Museums and with the support of Düzce Municipality for 12 months since 2019.

Prusias ad Hypium ancient city

The excavations have so far unearthed a Medusa statue head, which is thought to be 2,000 years old, mask sculptures, a grotesque figure (ornamentation consisting of bizarre, ridiculous figures found in ancient Roman buildings) and a vault.

During the excavations in the middle of the stage section of the city’s theater, relief sculptures of the Greek mythological god Apollo, the goddess of victory and the hunter Akteon were found. In the excavations, most of the theater structure was unearthed, and in the last part of last year, a mosaic with a lion reflecting the “Dionysus Cult Space” and the statue head of Alexander the Great were unearthed.

The theater is one of the best preserved theaters not only in the Bithynian region but also in Anatolia.

Prusias ad Hypium ancient city

The semicircular seating area, steps decorated with lion’s paw figures, arched passages and a part of the stage of the ancient theater, which is popularly known as “40 Steps” and has a length of 100 meters and a width of 74 meters, have survived to the present day.

Konuralp Museum Director İhsan Arslan said that the ancient theater consists of 3 caveyas (seating sections) on 3 floors and has a stage building extending for 50 meters, “We found that the step stones of the caveyas in the middle area were removed. These will be repaired again during restoration. We expect it to be opened to tourism. We found very valuable, very important artifacts. The excavation works of the theater continue very well. By 2024, we are planning to finish the excavation.”

Prusias ad Hypium ancient city

Arslan said, “Among the artifacts found in the excavation area, especially the statue of Apollo and the discovery of the bust of Alexander at the top of the theater immediately afterwards excited us very much. Subsequently, as the excavations progressed in the upper part, we reached a special room there, we discovered the mosaic with a lion on the floor of this room. We expect the restoration of the mosaic made with fine workmanship to be completed together with the theater and opened to tourism.”

Cover Photo: AA

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