September 19, 2024 The sun rises from Anatolia

Well-preserved bust unearthed during excavations at Prusias Ad Hypium Ancient Theater

A very well-preserved bust was found during the ongoing excavations in the theater section of the ancient city of Prusias ad Hypium in the Konuralp district of Düzce.

The city, which was conquered by Bithynia King Prusias I in 183 BC, was named Prusias ad Hypium due to its location on the Melen (Hypium) stream.

This theater, popularly known as “Forty Steps”, was built in the Hellenistic Period. The theater, which was added during the Roman Period, is one of the largest and best preserved theaters in the region. Photo: Culture portal.

Prusias ad Hypium is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in the Black Sea Region with its history dating back to the 3rd century BC.

It is estimated that the bust unearthed during the ongoing excavations in the theater section of the ancient city, known to have been founded by the Megarians under the name “Kieros” in the classical period, may belong to M. lulius Proclus, who built the stage building of the theater.

The bust is approximately 56 cm high and 50 cm wide. The hairstyle reflects the elaborate style of the Antonine period. the bust stands out with its curly and curly hairstyle.

M. lulius Proclus was an emperor priest during the reign of Emperor Hadrian and also built the stage building of the theater.

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