September 19, 2024 The sun rises from Anatolia

Two child mummies thought to be from the Eastern Roman period are preserved at Kayseri Museum

In 1927, two child mummies, thought to be from the Eastern Roman period, were found during the road works that would provide transportation from Kayseri to Ankara.

One of the child mummies, which caused great excitement that day, was a boy and the other a girl and was preserved as it was the first day.

The child mummies were brought to Kayseri High School after the necessary examinations were made. The mummies, which were kept in the high school’s laboratory for many years, were moved to the old museum building in 1982.

Two child mummies thought to be from the Eastern Roman period are preserved at Kayseri Museum
Photo: DHA

The child mummies discovered about 100 years ago were placed in Kayseri Archaeology Museum this year. They were opened to visitors recently.

The girl was strangled to death with a chain-like object

Kayseri Archaeology Museum Director Gökhan Yıldız said, “We understand from the marks on her body that the older girl was strangled with a chain-like object.”

Two child mummies thought to be from the Eastern Roman period are preserved at Kayseri Museum
Photo: DHA

Gökhan Yıldız gave the following information about the mummies:

“The older girl has a 94 centimeter long body preserved as a whole, and we understand from the marks on her body that she was probably strangled with a chain-like object. We understand that both of them belonged to the Christian religion by the overlapping of their arms on the chest.”

“Our 64-centimeter boy, on the other hand, was probably mummified after he died as a result of a febrile illness.”

Two child mummies thought to be from the Eastern Roman period are preserved at Kayseri Museum
Photo: DHA

“As our researchers have revealed, we are analyzing these two samples with the Eastern Roman Period of the 8th-13th century AD by revealing the preparation methods and body integrity of the mummies.”

Cover Photo: DHA

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