September 10, 2024 The sun rises from Anatolia

A litus with a relief of Dionysus, the god of wine, was found

A 2 thousand year old litus (weight press stone) with the relief of Dionysus, known as the “god of wine” in mythology, was found during the excavation of infrastructure in Sungurlu district of Çorum.

The stone, which was used as a weight stone in wine making during the Roman period, started to be exhibited in Boğazkale Museum.

Boğazkale Museum Director Resul İbiş said, “Weight press stones, which we call litus, are found in large numbers in the region. These are parts of the mechanism used especially in wine production. However, the important thing here is that there is a Dionysos relief on the front side of the stone.”

A litus with a relief of Dionysus, the god of wine, was found.

“Dionysus is known in mythology as the son of Zeus and Semele, a mortal woman. Especially Dionysus is known as the ‘god of vintage’ and ‘god of wine’ in mythology. Litus are generally associated with Dionysos culture by researchers because of wine, but for the first time, perhaps there is no other example in the world, the relief of Dionysos on a stone related to the wine industry is a situation seen for the first time in the region.”

A litus with a relief of Dionysus, the god of wine, was found.

Dionysus is depicted as “Medusa” on the stone. Also noteworthy are the bunches of grapes hanging from Dionysus’ ears towards his cheeks.

The litus with Dionysus relief is dated to the 1st to 3rd century AD.

Cover Photo: Kemal Ceylan/AA

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