Akçadağ ‘Küçükkürne caves’, which occurred 50 million years ago, with Hittite and Roman traces
In Akçadağ district of Malatya, the hidden paradise of Eastern Anatolia, the “Küçükkürne caves,” bearing the traces of millions of years of geological formations and ancient civilizations, are being prepared to be opened for tourism. Shaped by tectonic movements approximately 50 million years ago, these caves resemble an open-air museum with their Hittite and Roman

Mosaic Discovery Illuminates History in Elazığ’s Salkaya Village, Excavation Area to be Expanded
A 84-square-meter floor mosaic, accidentally discovered in Elazığ’s Salkaya Village, is shedding light on the region’s history. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums has placed this significant discovery under protection by declaring the area an archaeological site. Additionally, it has been decided to expand the excavation area due

Is This Noah’s Ark? Exciting Discovery in Türkiye Sparks Debate
A boat-shaped mound in the Durupinar Formation near Mount Ararat in Türkiye has ignited interest among experts who believe it may be the fossilized remains of Noah’s Ark. This formation, studied by an international research team since 2021, is thought to have been submerged during a catastrophic flood approximately 5,000 years ago. Durupinar Formation: Clues

Mysterious Discovery in the Depths of Lake Van: Ancient Tower and Wall Remains Unearthed
Lake Van, Türkiye’s largest lake, continues to reveal its secrets. Led by Underwater Image Director Tahsin Ceylan, a team of divers discovered the remains of an ancient tower and wall at a depth of 15 meters off the coast of Akdamar Island. This discovery sheds light on the thousands of years of history of Lake

A seal belonging to an Assyrian noble was found at Kef Castle, which was built by the Urartians
During ongoing excavations at the ancient Kef Castle, built at an altitude of 2,300 meters by Urartian King II. Rusa, a seal belonging to an Assyrian noble was found. Kef Castle is located in Bitlis province in eastern Türkiye. It was built by King II. Rusa, who reigned between 685 and 645 BC. During his

Dozens of cuneiform inscribed pithoi belonging to the Urartians were found at the foothills of Mount Erek
In the easternmost part of Türkiye, in the İpekyolu district of Van, archaeological excavations at the castle ruins on the foothills of Mount Erek have uncovered cuneiform inscribed pithoi used for storing oil, grain, and beverages during the Urartian period. The castle ruins, which are considered one of the important settlement sites of the Urartians

The mystery of the monumental and three-dimensional Urartian statue found in Garibin Tepe is unraveling
During rescue excavations conducted last year in the Tuşba District of Van, archaeologists discovered a basalt figurine weighing approximately 1 ton, dating back to the Urartian period. In 2023, excavations at Garibin Tepe led to the discovery of the region’s first monumental statue. This impressive artifact, measuring about 2 meters in length and 1 meter

The workshop, which is a thousand years old and was discovered in Harput Castle, was in operation until one hundred and fifty years ago
Archaeologists have uncovered a workshop that is a thousand years old during ongoing excavations at the historic Harput Castle. The intriguing aspect of this discovery is that the workshop was operational until the 1850s. The excavation site is filled with iron workshops and smelting furnaces that date back to the Urartian Kingdom. The history of

A floor mosaic thought to be from the Roman period, which the field owner found by chance while planting saplings, came to light
The work on a floor mosaic, thought to belong to the Roman or Early Byzantine period, which a farmer in Elazığ found by chance while planting seedlings in the field he bought in 2023, has come to an end. Mehmet Emin Sualp, the owner of the field, said, “We bought this land for 120 thousand

Traces of 7000 years of life found at Pulur Höyük in eastern Türkiye
Excavations at the Pulur Höyük (Pulur Mound) in the Ilıca district of Erzurum in eastern Türkiye have revealed traces of a 7,000-year-old settlement. Pulur Höyük excavations continue under the coordination of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and under the direction of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rabia Akarsu, a faculty member of Atatürk University Faculty of