Monday, March 3 2025

Category: Marmara and Thrace

Small Hagia Sophia Poterna from the Eastern Roman Period Buried in the Ground Due to Lack of Maintenance

Small Hagia Sophia Poterna from the Eastern Roman Period Buried in the Ground Due to Lack of Maintenance

In the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul), Emperor Justinian I and his wife Theodora built the Small Hagia Sophia Poterne for security purposes on the sea side of the walls. This historical structure has an estimated history of approximately 1500 years. However, neglect and lack of maintenance have caused it to

A 2200-Year-Old Well-Preserved Mosaic Unearthed in Assos

A 2200-Year-Old Well-Preserved Mosaic Unearthed in Assos

Archaeologists have discovered a well-preserved 2200-year-old mosaic during ongoing excavations in the ancient city of Assos. The team also found an 1800-year-old monumental tomb. Location and Historical Significance Assos lies in Behramkale village, within the Ayvacık district of Çanakkale. This ancient city has a rich history that dates back to the 9th century BC. It

Gazi Mihal Bath

500-year-old Gazi Mihal Bath to be transformed into a ‘fragrance’ museum

The 15th-century Ottoman masterpiece, Gazi Mihal Bath, will be transformed into a ‘Fragrance’ or ‘Cheese’ museum after its restoration. The Gazi Mihal Bath was commissioned by Gazi Mihal Bey in 1422. It is located along the Tunca River on the Edirne-Kapıkule road and is part of a complex that includes a bridge and a mosque.

The farmer plowing his field discovered an ancient stone lid and a column capital

The farmer plowing his field discovered an ancient stone lid and a column capital

In the historic city of İznik, an important site in Anatolia, a farmer discovered an ancient stone lid and a column capital while plowing his field. The lid of the sarcophagus, which was unearthed from the ground, features intricate patterns, including a cross motif. The sarcophagus, along with human bones and other artifacts, has been

A ticket for a theater from the Roman period made of fired clay was found in western Türkiye

A ticket made of fired clay, believed to be from the Roman period, was found in the ancient city of Prusias Ad Hypium located in Düzce, western Türkiye. Archaeologists uncovered a figurine depicting Aphrodite and a Thyrsus figure, both believed to be from the Roman period, in addition to the theater ticket. The ancient city

Apollonia ad Rhyndacum

Apollonia ad Rhyndacum ancient city’s theater had a “private” spectator seating area

A reserved spectator seat for an individual has been discovered in the theater section of the Apollonia ad Rhyndacum archaeological site in the Nilüfer district of Bursa. The name of the ancient city of Apollonia ad Rhyndacum is derived from Apollo, one of the important gods in Greek mythology, and means “Apollonia by the Rhyndakos.”

Uğur-Zeytinlik mound.Gökçeada

Agriculture and animal husbandry have been practiced on Gökçeada, the world’s first Cittaslow island, for 8,800 years

Archaeologists have discovered evidence indicating that agriculture and animal husbandry were practiced 8,800 years ago on Gökçeada, the world’s first Cittaslow island. Archaeologists researching the food economy at Uğurlu-Zeytinlik Mound, located on Gökçeada, Türkiye’s largest island, have made significant findings. The excavations have been ongoing since 2009 under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Burçin Erdoğu


Traces of Thracians are unearthed in the ancient city of Heraion-Teikhos, the city of Hera

Hera’s City Heraion-Teikhos Ancient City, located within the borders of Tekirdağ province, has hosted different civilizations, especially Thracians. Traces of Thracians were found in the excavations carried out in the ancient city since 2000. Statues of the mother goddess and the god of health, a tumulus, a pharmaceutical furnace and various coins were found in

Inkaya cave

Archaeologists find chipped stone tools of Ice Age people in 86,000-year-old Inkaya Cave

Chipped stone tools belonging to the late Ice Age people who migrated from Europe and lived in the region until 40,000 BC were found during ongoing archaeological excavations in the 86,000-year-old İnkaya Cave. Inkaya Cave is located at the western tip of Türkiye, in the Çan district of Çanakkale. The cave was discovered during the

A cylinder seal_Maydos

A cylinder seal dating back to 4 thousand years was discovered in the ancient city of Maydos

Turkish archaeologists have found a 4,000-year-old cylinder seal in the ancient city of Maydos, as well as a lead sling stone that is about 3,400 years old. The ancient city of Maydos is located in the Eceabat district of Çanakkale province in western Türkiye. Maydos was continuously inhabited from the Chalcolithic Age until the Middle

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