Kalašma, the lost language of Anatolia, decoded
A tablet found during excavations in Hattuša (today’s Boğazkale), the capital of the Hittite State, in 2023 revealed the existence of a lost language, Kalašma. According to scientists, Kalašma was used by a people named Kalašma who lived in the vicinity of Gerede district of Bolu province in modern-day Türkiye. “These texts show that Anatolia

Painted hieroglyphs found in Hattusa Yerkapı tunnel opens a new page in the Hittite world
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schachner said that the painted hieroglyphs discovered in the Yerkapı tunnel in Hattusa, the capital of the Hittite Empire, opened a new page in the Hittite world. Discovered in 2022 by Mardin Artuklu University Archaeology Department Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bülent Genç, the painted hieroglyphs were introduced at a conference held at