September 16, 2024 The sun rises from Anatolia

Türkiye’s highest waterfall ‘Tortum’

The natural wonder Tortum Waterfall, which is the highest waterfall in Türkiye, is located in Uzundere district of Erzurum province.

Tortum is also the 3rd highest waterfall in the world.

Tortum waterfall was formed in the 1700s when a large landslide mass separated from Kemerlidağ in the 1700s and blocked the Tev Valley where the Tortum Stream flows.

The width of Tortum, whose waters fall from a height of 48 meters, is 22 meters.

With the arrival of the spring months, a giant cauldron was formed where the waterfall flowed enthusiastically with the rain and melting snow waters. The rushing waters flowing into the giant cauldron create rainbows in sunny weather and offer an insatiable magnificent view for visitors.

The local people call the waterfall “sudökülen” in Turkish.

A hydroelectric power plant was built at Tortum Waterfall between 1952 and 1960.

Surrounded by lush forests, Tortum Waterfall was nominated for the UNESCO World Heritage List.

When you go to Tortum Waterfall, you see all the splendor of nature. The rushing water of the waterfall and the greenery around it create a postcard view. While enjoying this view, you will feel the fresh air filling your lungs and all your stress disappearing.

Nature Walks and Picnics:

Tortum Waterfall attracts visitors not only with its magnificent view but also with the activities it offers. Visitors can have a pleasant time on the hiking trails around the waterfall, have a picnic by the lake or enjoy swimming in the cool waters.

For Adventure Seekers:

Tortum Waterfall is also an ideal place for adventure seekers. You can rock climb on the rocks near the waterfall or do water sports such as rafting.

Historical and Cultural Richness:

Uzundere district, where Tortum Waterfall is located, is also rich in historical and cultural aspects. Historical churches, mosques and bridges in the district shed light on the past of the region. We also recommend you not to return without tasting local dishes and buying handicraft products.

How to get there?

You can reach Tortum Waterfall in about 1 hour and 45 minutes by car from Erzurum city center. There are also minibus or bus services to Uzundere. Transportation to the waterfall is quite easy.

Cover Photo: Erzurum Governorate

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