July 27, 2024 The sun rises from Anatolia

Restoration of the 600-year-old Gazi Mihal Hamam in Edirne continues

In Edirne, Türkiye’s gateway to Europe, cleaning and excavation works continue in the 15th century Gazi Mihal Hamam within the scope of restoration.

Restoration works at Gazi Mihal Hamam are being carried out by the General Directorate of Foundations and Edirne Museum Directorate.

In order to reach the original state of the bath, filling removal work was carried out in its domes.

Gazi Mihal Hamam

Gazi Mihal Hamam, located on the banks of the Tunca River, on the Kapıkule Border Gate road, was built in 1422. The walls of the bath, made of cut stone and brick, preserve their original state. The bathhouse, which was a complex with Gazi Mihal Bey Mosque and Imaret Bridge, was completely closed after the Russian occupation of Edirne in 1829.

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