July 27, 2024 The sun rises from Anatolia

Sarcophagus found during electricity cable renewal work in Hatay

A sarcophagus was found in Hatay, which was destroyed by a major earthquake in February last year, during the renewal work of the electricity cables started by the energy company.

Thanks to the meticulous work of the workers, the sarcophagus was removed without damage and taken under protection by the Hatay Museum archaeologists.

Sarcophagus found during electricity cable renewal work in Hatay
Photo: IHA

Mythological objects are seen on the sarcophagus encountered during the excavation works carried out by the energy company teams with a construction machine in Yeşilpınar Neighborhood of Hatay’s Defne district.

The sarcophagus will be moved to Hatay Museum Directorate.

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