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A sarcophagus was found during a drilling excavation at a construction site in Bodrum

A sarcophagus and its lid belonging to the ancient city of Myndos were found during a drilling excavation for a construction site in Peksimet neighborhood of Bodrum district of Muğla.

The ancient city of Myndos is located in the west of the Bodrum Peninsula, in today’s Gümüşlük area. It is a city that appears in ancient sources and was founded by Maussollos in the 4th century BC.

A sarcophagus was found during a drilling excavation at a construction site in Bodrum
Photo: Yaşar Anter/Sozcu

Construction workers unearthed the sarcophagus 2 meters underground. Bodrum Underwater Archaeology Museum authorities were notified. The lid of the sarcophagus was opened during the rescue work carried out under the supervision of archaeologists. Bones were found inside the sarcophagus. It was also seen that the sarcophagus was half full of water.

The sarcophagus was taken under protection and taken to the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology for examination.

Cover Photo: Yaşar Anter/Sozcu

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